1. First, gather your materials. We gathered pretty much every kind of art material I had in the house (ie. watercolour paints, several types of marker pens, coloured pencils, crayons, ink pens, gel pens, glue, sewing thread, origami paper squares), plus a pile of newspapers and magazines to cut up.

2. Choose your base and the medium for your first layer of colour. We decided to work with 300gsm acid free Bockingford watercolour paper, applying the first layer of the collage with watercolour. You may find it useful to choose a theme, colour, mood, etc to start with. We just went with our instincts. I worked towards creating a page I could use for journalling, for this week's Inspire Me Thursday's topic.

3. Keep adding and layering the colour till you have an interesting background to work with. When you stop and how much you fill in is entirely up to you.

4. Next, start cutting out shapes or interesting images from old newspapers and magazines. We also used origami paper squares (or Mad did). Again, you might already have a theme, a colour or something specific in mind. We just cut out whatever grabbed our attention at the time.

5. Take a look at what you've done so far. Do you see a theme developing? Once you've pasted on all the cut out bits you want to, add another layer of colour, with a different medium. It can be anything from crayons, to coloured pencils, to ink. Here I've used gouache.

6. Next, draw on your collage. This is optional. Mad decided to carry on with sticking shapes and images, but I wanted to start drawing. Here I used my rotring art pen in black ink to start drawing little scale-like marks around the shapes I'd pasted on the left. As I drew, I realised it was developing into a heart shape, so I carried on.

7. Once you've finished drawing, take another look. Does it seem finished? It didn't to me, so I added the piece of corrugated cardboard and some more colour, courtesy of a watercolour marker pen. Finally, I used it as a journal page and wrote directly on it, journalling on journalling for Inspire me Thursday!! To see close up pics of my finished piece, go to my Inspire me Thursday entry post
Below are details of Mad's finished collage.