Sunday, January 13, 2008

Anyone care to jam?

This is something that I first heard of from the Monday Art Day ATC group. The idea is that a small group of people (3 in this instance) each start an ATC (artist trading card, a card measuring 3.5" x 2.5" in any colour or medium) according to a particular theme.

They then mail it to the next person in the group, that person adds to it, then they mail it to the next person in the group, they add to it and send it on so that it arrives back to the person who started the card, who gets to keep it. That way each person ends up with a unique ATC that has been collaborated on by two other people.

Of course, art jams needn't just include ATCs, they could really extend to any piece of art of any size that can be sent in the mail, and it could include more than three people. Possible themes and mediums are endless! But I thought it would be better to start small.

So anyone out there wanna give this a go? I guess I am looking for two volunteers at the moment, so if you want to take part, leave me a comment on this post and the first two will take part in the jam! The theme will be RED - apart from that anything goes, you can use any medium you like, from pencil to watercolour to fabric. If you have any questions, just ask.

Come on people, let's jam!!


Mim said...

I'm up for an ATC red jam...if we can find one other

soulbrush said...

yes please yes please, you know me, always up for something new, this is a fantastic idea. explain to me in more detail, e mail if you like
why don't we start a new site for it, or is there one already?

Mim said...

Hi, thanks for the jam update. FY is back from vacation in Australia now so she should be ready to go. I'll check my MAD ATC site messages,

caleb miles said...

I love the colors in this work, The Blue is really strong and the shapes are really raw!