Saturday, October 23, 2010

Still here...

I've been wanting to post something all week, but I'm still sick (starting to feel better but still not over it) and I've been unsure what to write about.

On the one hand, being ill indoors, forced to keep my own company and stew in my own self-pity whilst looking after a relatively demanding toddler does not a great blog post make.  On the other hand, being ill indoors, forced to keep my own company and stew in own self-pity whilst looking after a relatively demanding toddler is almost like being forced to sit in prolonged meditation...if you are of a certain character and frame of mind.  It can drive you crazy (it did), but it can also take you to an unexpected place.  A place where you see things clearly.  Never mind that those things are boggy swamps rather than mountain vistas, seeing them clearly brings its own sense of peace.  At least for a few minutes. 

For me, the boggy swamp things are still too complicated, raw and personal to write about here.  I'm trying to tackle them in counselling, though it feels more like wrestling, or a fist fight, or worse.  But it has left me with a sense of surprise.  You just never know where your mind, your self is going to take you.

On a lighter note, we only have 5 sleeps till we go on holiday (!!!!!!). 

And Jake continues to be on top form. For the last few weeks, his favourite game has been to demand a specific thing to eat, watch it being made and then when it's offered to him, to refuse it.  This has been particularly trying while I've been ill.  One morning this week, after the second time that he refused something he'd requested, I said, "If you don't want this, I'm not going to make you anything else, do you understand?"

He thought about it for a moment and then said, "Yes Mummy, I standing now," and pointed at his legs.

You just can't beat toddler logic.

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