Tuesday, January 22, 2013

22/31 ~ January Mindful Writing

6:20pm ~ coming back into the living room from the bathroom, I find Jake slumped against the sofa, asleep, open-mouthed, still in his red Power Rangers costume.  As I get him changed into his pyjamas, he smiles but is like a heavy rag doll in my arms.
Walking up the stairs in my oversized fluffy pink slipper boots, my foot in said stupidly oversized fluffy slipper boot catches on a stair and I lose my footing.  My knee hits a step and I fall forward, spilling the bowl of just boiled water filled with essential oils.  The water mainly lands on my left hand and the carpet but also splashes on my front and chin.  I yelp and run to the kitchen and put my scalded hand under the cold tap but as the water turns icy cold, the burning sensation gets worse.  Then I hear Dr Ranj's* voice in my head, saying something about using cool or lukewarm water to cool a burn or scald down, never ice.  I google it and the NHS website confirms this, and recommends cooling the scald for 10 - 30 minutes.  So I go to the bathroom and fill the sink with a mix of cold and warm water and sink my hand under the surface for about 10 minutes.  The burning sensation fades immediately.  Half an hour later, my skin feels cool to the touch but still tingles and is slightly sore.  So I think I'll go for another dunk.  (*from cbeebies' Get Well Soon - you see, watching hours of children's tv really does do you good.)

So, today's small stone is also educational.  1) Never carry scaldy hot water up the stairs while wearing stupid oversized fluffy slipper boots.  2) Cool a burn or scald with cool or lukewarm water for at least 10 minutes, and never use ice or icy cold water.  The clash of extreme temperatures can damage your skin.  And while we're at it - don't apply anything greasy to the burn or scald.  You can also cover it in cling film to protect it if you have to go to A & E.  3) Just cos a Doc on a children's tv programme (who is actually a real doctor) seems to enjoy singing songs about constipation and asthma and head lice, doesn't mean he hasn't got a bloody good point to make. 

The good news is that my chin and other bits are fine, and the carpet smells of lavender, eucalyptus and lemon.

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