Several hours later, Banjo (see below to find out his story) had organised a game of hide and seek to everyone's delight. He may be little, but he's not shy. About twenty minutes into the game, everyone had been found except Frank. He'd been clever and tried to hide himself on the bookshelf amongst the other penguins! But Banjo found him. "Well spotted Banjo!" I cried, and of course he couldn't help falling over and shrieking with laughter. It was such a joyful moment, I had to capture it for posterity.
Pencil and marker pens in my green lamp sketchbook, 14.4.06

LOL. It gets cuter and funnier!!! What else is up your sleeve? Or in your bookcase? :)
Ha! Keep going.
I know, I keep saying cute and warm, but they are. I love the artwork and shy embarassed look on Franks face. Good goin Banjo!
So cute! This is just adorable - I love Frank!!
Keep going with this story, you need to write a book its cool!! Judy x
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