Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Journalling for Inspire Me Thursday

I haven't kept a journal in a long time and I'd never tried collage before, so I'm really grateful for this week's Inspire Me Thursday topic, which pushed me past my comfort zone to have a go at something that I ended up really enjoying. I've been having difficulties with keeping a straight journal, as in words only, for some time, which is what I journalled about for this entry. But creating this unique journal page gave me a glimmer of hope about a new way of journalling that I may try in future.

Mixed media, including watercolour, gouache & ink pen on watercolour paper. To see how we did it, have a look here.


Teri said...

Tammy, I had never made a decorated journal before either although I have written for a newspaper but it is different writing about myself.

You did such an interesting job on your journaling. I like it. The more I see of these the more interesting they become.

Ellen said...

What a wonderful start you made at a new way of journaling. I had never journaled in this particular way before, either, but gave it a try and want to do more! Each artist who pushes beyond her comfort zone inspires me to push beyond mine as well!

Regina said...

I love the technique you used to make this. I wasn't going to do it, but you've inspired me! Wonderful job!