Hi everyone, I've got some postcards of some of my artwork to give away, or if you fancy it, to swap for whatever you want to give in return, within reason. That means no slugs, unwanted furniture, recycled pet hair, toenail clippings, belly button lint, naked pictures of yourself or items of this nature. Preferably it would be something desirable which will make me smile and small enough to fit into an envelope that can be mailed with just a few stamps.
So, if you're interested in receiving a postcard of any of the pictures below, then leave me a comment with your email address, or email me and I'll arrange to have the said item(s) snail mailed to you. If there's anything you would like a postcard of that you don't see here, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
I'll also post photos of any items received in a swap on this blog. Should be interesting....!