Saturday, July 17, 2010

17.7.10 ~ 350 word diary (warning: contains swearing)

Jake woke up crying “No!” at 5am, got off the bed and slept on the floor. When I got up to move him back he was sleeping bum in the air. Just before they went out, Paul was cleaning in the bathroom and Jake was mopping the kitchen floor saying, “It’s okay, it’s okay…now” to himself over and over again. He’s been saying that lately whenever he sees anyone crying or looking sad. Sometimes he points first and says “Crying”. And then, “S’Okay, it’s okay…now”. I’m feeling groggy and moody. I could do with a Jake cuggle and “S’okay now”.

Now I have a confession. I wasn’t going to say anything but then I read this fantastic post and decided to spill. Jake started swearing a couple of weeks ago. If you know me, chances are, you’ll know I have a bit of a potty mouth. Well, since I noticed how well Jake’s talking’s been developing, I stopped using my favourite expression of rage a couple of months ago. Jake continued to use oh dear for most mishaps, so I thought the danger had passed.

Two weeks ago, he was playing with the lever for the computer chair, which is broken. The fact that it wasn’t doing anything rather frustrated Jake and out of nowhere, he said, “oh for f@*k’s sake”. Paul heard it first and his jaw dropped. Then he looked at me with what can only be described as accusation in his eyes. I was horrified, but also impressed that he’d stored it up and used it in a sort of appropriate context. Plus, swearing has never sounded cuter. Pointing this out to Paul did not help. Since then, he’s said sh*t a few times (after hearing Paul say it and sometimes accompanied with a big grin) and yesterday at the Museum of Childhood, when he thought something wasn’t working, he said, “F*ck, f*ck, not working!” Since there was a fox involved in the exhibit, I tried to divert him by saying, “Fox, it’s a fox Jake, look, it is working.” I don’t know if he bought it.


Glovecat said...

Ha ha ha, brilliant! Fox DOES sound similar... la la la... I'm glad to hear you have a potty mouth, because so do I. I enjoy swearing very much. But things WILL have to change, I guess, around Squiggles. Oh dear.

Love your posts, I'm still here, lurking... x

Anonymous said...

Another potty mouth here! Thankfully though it was the hubby who introduced swearing to the Turtle. He uses it more as an exclamation, whereas I'm more likely to have a stream of cursing mid sentence. Exclamations get more notice from toddlers. Hee hee!

Theodora said...

LOL! Just provided the other PARENTS thought he was saying, "Fox, Fox not working," you'll be OK... Must sound totally cute...